Man, have I been busy. Just thought I’d post a quick update as to what’s going on in the World O’ Steve (that’s writing related…you may have already read about my weekend, and I’m not going to get started on the Insane-O-Matic Cuisinart that is The Job right now…)
Basically, I’m writing my ass off. In addition to working on CROWN OF ASH (see below), I have a new online fiction series over at Penslinging Word Herders (the new installment will be up tomorrow). Once I finish Book 4, I’m going to be stuck in Edit Ninja mode for a bit, as I have a number of projects that need some TLC so they can see the light of day…
I actually announced this project a while back, but a couple of things have changed. Originally this novel was intended to be the Prologue to the BLOOD SKIES series…and it still could be. Maybe. I’m going to leave that up to the reader. There are certainly enough similarities to the events in this horror novel about a mysterious invasion of modern-day Washington by a horde of bizarre shadow creatures that it could have something to do with The Black, but at the same time SOMETHING BLACK… could just as easily stand alone.
In any case, this terror tale follows an ex-soldier, a private detective, a marketing executive and a very unlucky commuter as they struggle to survive a horde of mysterious creatures spreading chaos and death all over the rainy Northwest. I released the cover this last week: look for an actual book release sometime in early to mid-June.
(I was originally releasing this novel in installments for my newsletter subscribers, but unfortunately I dropped the ball. Fear not, faithful subscribers, you’re still going to get a treat…)
The rough draft of Book 4 of the BLOOD SKIES series is nearly complete. While a ton of editing is going to be needed, I’m pleased with the way this one is turning out. Book 4 is a lot of action and war and has its fair bit of trippiness, but the scope and scale of the story are more epic than ever before, and I have to say I’m proud of some of the new beasties and terrors I’ve come up with for this one (like an undead rhinoceros, undead shock troops called Scarecrows, multi-armed brutes called Talons, the troll-like Torj mentioned in SOULRAZOR, and the otherworldly Shadow Lords), as well as some truly nasty villains (like Rake, leader of the The Revengers, and his Fade assistant, Raven). I’m also addressing some questions that have come up in the earlier books in the series, while at the same time setting the stage for the extra-awesome epic action that will be Book 5, THE WITCH’S EYE.
As I said, editing has yet to begin, so I don’t have a publication date just yet, but hopefully we’re looking at an August release for CROWN OF ASH.
An ageless woman, a pair of supernatural hitmen, and a local sheriff with a tragic past are about to collide in a sleepy town in the Northwest, and Hell will be the result. This rather brutal horror novel has been sitting on my plate for a while, and as soon as I’m done with SOMETHING BLACK… and CROWN OF ASH I’ll be turning my full attention to BLOOD ANGEL RISING, which I’ll do my best to have out around Halloween.
Happy Wednesday, everyone!
The post On the Horizon… appeared first on Blood Skies.